KENDALL BRADLEY | | @kb.kbkbkbkbkb
BFA Studio Art: University of Texas at Austin
BA Design: University of Texas at Austin
Art History Minor: University of Texas at Austin
Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts
2023—(June) Design, Production, & Fabrication of Diamond Grinder CD Cases/Sleeves
2022—(April) Design & Production for Photo Book “Covid People Watching” by Ruben Terrazas
2022—(February-March) Design & Production for Simone Bodmer—Turner’s exhibition companion publication and event posters, Take Part In at Matter Projects; New York, NY
2022—(February) Printer of band posters for Diamond Grinder; New York, NY
2021—(November) Printer of band posters for Cutouts; New York, NY
2021—(October) Printer of 6 risograph editions shown in Sympathetic Magic, Annie May Johnston; Austin, TX
2020—(September-October) Printer of publication “Sharing Suns”, Haley Parsa; Brooklyn, NY
2023—(August) Freelance Risograph Consultant, Partner & Partners; Brooklyn, NY
2023—(May-present) Astrid Terrazas Studio Manager
2020—(December ’19-present) Reprographics Lab Technician, Pratt Institute; Brooklyn, NY
2019—(September-December) Afterschool Teaching Assistant, Kids Programs, Artshack Brooklyn
2019—(January-February ‘21) Business Development Coordinator, ARTRO LLC; San Francisco, CA
2019—(May-August) Program Coordinator, UT Summer ST.ART Pre-College Program, UT Austin
2019—(March-September) Service Partner, Central Market, Austin, TX
2019—(March-September) Screen-It Artist Educator, Mexic-Arte Museum; Austin, TX
2018—(August-December) Riso Room Manager, UT Austin
2018—(March-April) Project Manager for Trenton Doyle Hancock, Riso Room, UT Austin
2017—(October) Studio Assistant, Zack Ingram; Austin, TX
2017—(October) Chinati Weekend Volunteer; Marfa, TX
2017—(August-Dec ‘18) Art Lab Proctor, UT Austin
2017—(February) Studio Assistant, Annie May Johnston; Austin, TX
2017—(January-August) James Turrell Skyspace Attendant, The Color Inside, UT Austin
2016—(October) Die Wand/Die Mauer fabrication and installation with artist duo Christian Gfeller and Anna Hellsgård, Fieldwork Space, Visual Arts Center; Austin, TX
2016—(March-May) UT Austin Print Shop Proctor; Austin, TX
2016—(June ’10-Aug ’16) Teacher, Studio Arts Dallas; Dallas, TX
2015—(March) Pushing on a String (Seripop; fabrication & performance), Visual Arts Center; Austin, TX
Bridging Cultures in Latin America: Maya and Colonial Heritage Maymester Abroad, UT Austin; Guatemala and Belize
Undergraduate Risograph Fellowship, UT Austin
Atravesarte University Study Trip; Mexico City, Mexico
College of Fine Arts Professional Development Travel Initiative Grant; San Francisco, California
Pattern & Infinity course, Oxbow School of Art and Artist Residencies; Saugatuck, Michigan
Marshall F. Wells Scholarship and Fellowship Endowment, Oxbow Residency, Indigo and Its Metaphors course; Saugatuck, Michigan
Participant, las Actividades y Tradiciones de Semana Santa; Antigua, Guatemala
Mary Miller Bartholow Endowed Presidential Fellowship in Art
Marshall F. Wells Scholarship and Fellowship Endowment
University Honors
Studio Art Guatemala Trip Scholarship
If I find the things I want to see, Visual Arts Center; Austin, TX
Everything I could carry, Shotgun Gallery, Dallas, TX
Risograph Redesigned, Hallagan Business Machines, Chicago Design Museum; Chicago, IL 2018—The Ends, FAB Gallery; Austin, TX
Gold Tape, Visual Arts Center; Austin, TX
Fool’s Romance / Books from Aeromoto, Visual Arts Center; Austin, TX
Kendall Bradley, Bass Concert Hall; Austin, TX
Routinely, Box 13; Houston, TX
Two Christmases and a Half-Birthday, Visual Arts Center; Austin, TX
Don’t Make That Purple, Museum of Human Achievement; Austin, TX
Inside Voices, Flawn Academic Center; Austin, TX
BASED ON: a collection of selected works, The Mom Gallery; Austin, TX